We Build the Foundation of Smart Cities
T302 Founders’ Memorial Station
Project Description
Project T302 Founders’ Memorial Station is located along Rhu Cross Road and Marina East Drive and adjacent to the Marina Golf Course and Garden by the Bay East. The main contract consists of 3 basement construction for the facility building and 4 bored tunnels running from Marina East Drive to Tanjong Rhu. Our role is to construct the Diaphragm wall, Crosswall, Bored piles & Ground improvement.
Project Information
Bachy Soletanche Singapore scope of work consists of constructing 1200mm and 1500mm thick diaphragm wall. The footprint of the building is approximately 185m long by 45m wide by 20m deep. As the worksite is situated at the historic reclaimed land of Singapore, thick marine clay layer with F2 geotechnical soil profile is expected to encounter during the course of excavation. Our diaphragm wall toe level is to socket in OA(A) and it falls between 55m to 65m deep.
Land Transport Authority
Mott Macdonald
Main Contractor:
China Railway First Group